Monday 17 May 2010

Applying Oneself In Life

We all should strive to be "successful" in all aspects of life. Too often we only focus on wealth and career. For our intents and purposes, lets look at wealth, career and money for now. We all have heard of the mantras and the sayings of wise people. Most are just crap being regurgitated again and again.

Here are a few better ones, I think:

"You can get everything in life you want, if you will just help enough other people get what they want."

There is a positive side to the saying as well as a negative side. The positive is that we do not only look at what we want, but rather on what others want. It could be our potential clients, our colleagues, our bosses, etc. ... by being instrumental in helping other achieve their objectives, you will indirectly get the returns and benefits accruing back to you. The negative is to regard this mantra pragmatically - i.e. you will only get what you want if you do A, B, C... which may still get you what you desire but the motive on your part will be questionable. Now, many of you will think there is no difference as long as you get what you want, but to me your underlying motives are so much more important for personal enrichment. If your heart is in the right place, you will try to "help others", but even if nothing comes out of it, you are not too disturbed. If your motives are pragmatic, the end result will eat at you, and even when you achieve success - will you smirk that you were smarter than the rest? If you have the right attitude, you will feel that you have been blessed and would not think its all due to your own self. If you feel blessed with success that comes your way, you will also know that you are just a steward of monetary riches, and you will feel the need to do your part to enrich the lives of others.

"Successful people are prepared to do for a short time what others won't, so that they can do for the rest of their lives what others can't."

Herein lies the key word, some may call it execution ability. I have another word for this, its called "focus". Whenever we come across issues, roadblocks, events, targets, deadlines, delivery of performance, KPIs, etc.. many will not be able to execute well.

Our government big projects have often been labeled as brilliant in planning, projections and power point presentations, but somehow we lack the follow through to execute them within the time stated or within the budget specified. Its like we know our ABCs but we kinda skip merrily through the EFGHIJKLs ... and then wonder why we never get to Z but always end up with URSTs. The simple explanantion is that the ABCs are fun to do and thats where the big money is. The EFGHIJKLs are left to the workers who may not be incentivised to get to Z. Maybe the key is to make sure the bulk of the rewards will only be when they get to Z.

Anyway, I digress, back to focus. Sometimes we get torn in 10 different directions. We need to focus on the key issues, solve them or delegate them (with proper monitoring and empowering), revisit continually, change or modify if necessary till its done. If you look at the very successful people, they will focus intently to solve a particular issue or problem or crisis or capitalise on the opportunity. Those who do not will wonder why they are not more successful or what their secret is.

"Great minds discuss ideas, mediocre minds discuss events, small minds discuss people."

This is a very telling saying, and you can find out where a person is by what they talk about all the time. Its gossip, it mindless chatter, its idle stuff, its basically useless ... a little bit is OK but when its mostly what you put your brainpower to, we all know what comes out of it... nothing much. Picking on what topics to discuss or reflect show me how a person's mind is working. Rise above the events and issues and take a big picture view, be wary of the subsequent chain of events.

"Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds you plant."

Everyday you plant seeds whether you realise that you are doing it or not. You can be planting seeds of confidence, seeds of integrity, or you could be planting seeds of discontent and discordance. You are building a resume of what you are doing be it good or bad. In addition the seeds also spread to those around you. In a way it inculcates a culture, a mindset and a sense of expectations. I have another personal saying that I hold with me:

"Bloom where you are planted."

Try no to question why you are where you are, but what you do with where you are at. Live your life well, keep an eye to be a "success" in all areas of your life, be a great son or daughter, be a great employee, be a great boss, be a great parent or grandparent, be always in touch with your spiritual side ... and take time time to enjoy life while doing all that.

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