Wednesday 16 July 2014

My Master, A National Treasure

Its been more than two years since I posted on my sifu. This is probably the most significant posting I had done thus far that does not involve business or politics. My circle of close friends and business colleagues have benefited significantly from his treatment.

My Master, Dr. Law Chin Han (from my iPhone)

Where shall I start? OK, just based on real life experiences of those who are close to me. The entire Tong family (Bukit Kiara Properties) absolutely swear that he is the master of masters when it comes to acupuncture (and dentistry as well). To me, you can probably find many great dentists, but to find a real Master in acupuncture, thats a whole different ballgame.

I am not big aficionado of Chinese medicine or acupuncture initially. I guess you have to go through the whole shebang to appreciate the real life changing effects from a master.

My business partner and very close friend went to him after 15 years of persistent gout problem, he will get his heavy attacks at least once a month, as regular as a woman's period despite being on the maximum daily dosage allowed on the whatchamacallit-purina thing. He has been to the best doctors over and over and still nothing. He had a few sessions and went off his medication, he has not had any gout problem now only a regular monthly visit to Dr Law.

Another friend of mine had a daughter around 8 years old but has never had appetite for food. She eats very little of everything, even candies or ice creams. Naturally, the parents have been to numerous specialists as well. She absolutely got her appetite back after a few treatments. yes, seemingly unbelievable but as parents you literally have tears running down your eyes to see that happen after years of frustration and heartaches.

A CEO friend of mine whose father was at terminal stage owing to long suffering diabetes condition, and losing a leg already to it, but has never been able to have a good night's rest for the longest time. A couple of sessions and he slept soundly and was very happy when he could finally sleep well. He passed away recently but at least he managed to get good rest every night in the final few weeks. The pain management by Dr. Law was probably one of the best gift his family could have given to the patient.

Before I share my own personal experience. Let's look at what acupuncture is. Acupuncture can treat respiratory threats such as acute sinusitis, acute rhinitis, common cold, acute tonsillitis, bronchial asthma and acute bronchitis. It is effective for the eye: acute conjunctivitis (pinkeye) and near-sightedness in children.

For treating gastrointestinal disorders: hiccups, gastritis, hyperacidity, ulcers, constipation, diarrhoea, paralytic ileus and colitis. 

Muscular and neurological disorders such as: migraine, headache, paralysis after a stroke, bladder dysfunction, pain in the ribs, frozen shoulder or tennis elbow, Meniere's disease, bed wetting and osteoarthritis.

Why is Dr Law a master? I call him that and many of his patients will call him that after benefiting from his skills. He is a master because he is precise. In 1985 he developed a computer program relating to acupuncture and the best time of the day to treat certain disorders. He has developed his own diagnostic machine that can tell him all he needs to know from your one ear and his needle hooked to the machine. He also uses the machine to detect the exact point on your body, marking them before putting in the needles. Many other acupuncturists rely on guesswork and estimation.

He has even managed to detect hepatitis using his machine with his needle at your ear. There are many other cases which are not the norm for acupuncturists, which he has managed to treat well: such as epilepsy, reducing cholesterol, lowering blood pressure to the extent of stopping Western bp medication, and even weight loss management.

Dr. Law is the founder and President of Malaysian Acupuncture Society from 1982-1993. He has successfully treated 60 drug addicts in 1982 during a stint at the Pudu jail, totally weaning them off drugs with acupuncture. The results were recorded in a research report "Using Acupuncture To Deal With Drug Withdrawal and Drug Addicts", which gained acknowledgement from WHO.

Dr. Law is a generous spirit, he devotes 3-4 hours for two nights a weeks to treat the under privileged at a certain center. In the past he has ventured to northern Thailand to treat the poor as well.

Well, who needs acupuncture? Everyone really. Dr. Law will basically get your vital organs to function much better. Owing to the largely sedentary lifestyles of most, we will get our usual aches and pains, kidneys and liver not functioning optimally. Instead of them operating at 60% or 70%, why not get them to be at 90% or better. Its certainly not just for old folks as I see plenty of people in their twenties and thirties coming to the center as well. Many of his patients fly in from overseas for regular treatments as well.

Dr. Law Chin Han, born in 1946, graduated from the National Defence Medical Centre, Taiwan with the degree specialising in Acupuncture in 1972. His office is located in Selayang. Its a very neat 4 storey corner shoplot and he occupies the whole thing. Ground floor is reception, there is a lift, 1st Floor is for Acupuncture, with 8 beds and 3 nurses. 2nd floor is for dentistry. He has his own farm where he grows organic fruits, you can sample his farm produce at the clinic, they are free for all, the durian ice cream is very good, sometimes you get rambutans as well and many other fruits.

The address: MERIDIAN ACUPUNCTURE & STROKE REHABILITATION CENTER / LAW DENTAL SURGERY (LASER CLINIC) 21, Jalan 3/3C, Sri Utara Batu 7, Off Jalan Ipoh, Batu Caves. Tel: 03-62518913, Mobile: 019-2157762
Mondays       9.15am-7.00pm
Tuesdays      9.15am-5.00pm
Wednesdays 9.15am-7.00pm
Thursdays     9.15am-1.00pm
Fridays         9.15am-7.00pm
Saturdays    9.15am-7.00pm
Sundays      9.15am-1.00pm

On Jalan Selayang, you will go past Taman Wahyu and see Tesco on your left, turn left just after Esso station, turn right and you will see Meridian Acupuncture.

My Own Experience: I have high blood pressure, much of it is hereditary, without medication my bp will be 150/110. For the longest time, even with medication, it will go to 130/90 at best. Seriously, after a few sessions, I have cut my medication in half, and my bp is steady at 122/82, how unbelievable is that. Dr. Law assured me that if I continue to monitor my bp at home, and keep reducing the medication, I should be drug free within 6 weeks. After that its just regular maintenance visit to his clinic once a month.

He has also been treating my inner body organ-fats, my kidney and stomach for better digestion, metabolism and reduction of gut size. The vain-pot in me also had him reducing my soon to appear double chin, he is amazing. There are other points he will occasionally take care such as reducing my appetite and improving my blood flow.

It is recommended that you take a blood test first at another clinic and show him the results. He needs the info on your cholesterol, LDL, HDL and prostate if possible. Be honest and tell him everything that bugs you. I had sinus that I didn't even know I had, which was why he said I slept with my mouth open, leading to loud snoring, dry throat, susceptible to cough. etc.  I must say the needles next to my nose were a bit of a pain, but now I sleep with my mouth close and snoring has subsided.

Once in the clinic, the doctor will ask you your history and then proceed to diagnose you with his machine, needle on your ear, from there he will be able to tell how healthy you are. He does not need more patients, he does not need more money, hence he is not the type that tries to drag out your healing process for his benefit.

This and many other reasons is why he is a National Treasure. If anyone is more deserving of a Tan Sri-ship, I know of no one other than Dr. Law. Its not only Chinese who come to his clinic, he has lots of Malay and Indian admirers as well, and a few Datuks to boot.

 He will then mark out the spots with his machine and needle on the points for the actual needles, telling you what each needle is for. Usually he uses 8 needles per patient but if you can withstand it, he can use more needles. The needles are then hooked to another small machine. The nurse will explain which button hooks to which needles, you yourself will turn on and control the electronic pulses to those needles. The higher the pulses, the better the treatment. Of course, its all up to your level of comfort, no one is pushing you to take stronger than what you are willing to take. You are supposed to increase the pulses every few minutes.

Is the entire process painless? No, but its not as bad as some people make them out to be. I do not have a high tolerance of pain at all, in fact after a while it can become addictive like massage. I now doze off after 15 minutes for the 30 minute treatment, it gets so comfortable, seriously.

Now, I have no aches or pains anywhere and feel more refreshed after each night's sleep, like someone pumped more oxygen into my bloodstream. The great thing about acupuncture is that you are not asked to ingest any medication, no invasive medication that leaves lots of bad stuff in your body, no invasive stuff that whacks ten other things around your body when trying to kill one alien object.

Do your self and your family a great favour, improve the functioning of our organs, rid of our body toxins, eradicate our aches and pains - what have you got to lose? seriously, Dr. Law does not need the money. One session is RM100, or you can sign up for a course of 5 sessions for RM400. The more loyal ones will sign up for the extended package of 21 sessions for RM1,200. 

Not only that, from his clinic hours, you'd find two days where he will close early ... for those two days he will go to a location near Genting to treat people for free. But please make an appointment or be prepared to wait for up to an hour.

Why isn't more people more aware of his existence? Maybe because its an Eastern treatment methodology, there are also good ones and not so good ones, and Dr. Law is one of the evry best for sure. For over 40 years, he has been doing wonders for many, and his charitable works as well. I and many who have benefited from his expertise, skills and generosity of spirit, applaud him.

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