Tuesday 30 September 2014

Boundless Sea & Sky

Give the people what they want, we are not asking for much, just what is fair, what is right and equitable ... our struggles are ongoing and many of us feel for our HK friends. Beyond's song "Boundless Sea and Sky" which epitomises the yearning for freedom and liberty, from all that is "not right".... rightfully is the anthem.

 海阔天空 – Beyond
今天我 寒夜里看雪飘过
Gam tin ngoh, hon ye lui hon suet piu gwoh
Today I saw snow drifting through the cold night
Waai jeuk laang keuk liu dik sam woh piu yuen fong
With the cold, my heart and mind drift off to faraway places
风雨里追赶 雾里分不清影踪
Fung yue lui jui gon, mo lui fan bat ching ying jung
Trying to catch up in the wind and rain, in the fog you can’t tell the shadows apart
天空海阔你与我 可会变(谁没在变)
Tin hung hoi foot nei yue ngoh, how wui bin (sui moot joi bin)
Vast sky wide ocean, you and I, who would change?  (Who wouldn’t change?)
多少次 迎著冷眼与嘲笑
Doh siu chi, ying jeuk laang ngaan yue jaau siu
Many times I’ve faced the cold with eyes of ridicule
Chung moot yau fong hei gwoh sam jung dik lei seung
Never have I gave up my heart’s hopes and ideals
一刹那恍惚 若有所失的感觉
Yat saat na fong fat, yeuk yau soh sat dik gam gok
A moment of absentmindedness, there’s also the feeling of loss
不知不觉已变淡 心里爱(谁明白我)
Bat ji bat gok yi bin daam, sam lui ngoi
Without realization, it faded, the love in my heart (Who understands me?)
Yuen leung ngoh je yat saang bat gei fong jung ngoi ji yau
Forgive me this life of uninhibited love and indulgence of freedom
也会怕有一天会跌倒(OH NO)
Ya wui pa yau yat tin wui dit do (oh no)
Although I’m still afraid that one day I might fall
被弃了理想, 谁人都可以
Bui hei liu lei seung, sui yan do ho yi
Abandon your hopes and ideals, anyone can do
Na wui pa yau yat tin ji nei gung ngoh
I’m not afraid if someday there’s only you and me
今天我 寒夜里看雪飘过
Gam tin ngoh, hon ye lui hon suet piu gwoh
Today I saw snow drifting through the cold night
Waai jeuk laang keuk liu dik sam woh piu yuen fong
With the cold, my heart and mind drift off to faraway places
风雨里追赶 雾里分不清影踪
Fung yue lui jui gon, mo lui fan bat ching ying jung
Trying to catch up in the wind and rain, in the fog you can’t tell the shadows apart
天空海阔你与我 可会变(谁没在变)
Tin hung hoi foot nei yue ngoh, how wui bin (sui moot joi bin)
Vast sky wide ocean, you and I, who would change?  (Who wouldn’t change?)
Yuen leung ngoh je yat saang bat gei fong jung ngoi ji yau
Forgive me this life of uninhibited love and indulgence of freedom
也会怕有一天会跌倒(OH NO)
Ya wui pa yau yat tin wui dit do (oh no)
Although I’m still afraid that one day I might fall
被弃了理想, 谁人都可以
Bui hei liu lei seung, sui yan do ho yi
Abandon your hopes and ideals, anyone can do
Na wui pa yau yat tin ji nei gung ngoh
I’m not afraid if someday there’s only you and me
Ying yin ji yau ji ngoh
Still I am free, still I am independent
永远高唱我歌, 走遍千里
Wing yuen go cheung ngoh goh, jau pin chin lei
Always loudly singing my song, traveling thousands of miles
Yuen leung ngoh je yat saang bat gei fong jung ngoi ji yau
Forgive me this life of uninhibited love and indulgence of freedom
也会怕有一天会跌倒(OH NO)
Ya wui pa yau yat tin wui dit do (oh no)
Although I’m still afraid that one day I might fall
被弃了理想, 谁人都可以
Bui hei liu lei seung, sui yan do ho yi
Abandon your hopes and ideals, anyone can do
Na wui pa yau yat tin ji nei gung ngoh
I’m not afraid if someday there’s only you and me
被弃了理想, 谁人都可以
Bui hei liu lei seung, sui yan do ho yi
Abandon your hopes and ideals, anyone can do
Na wui pa yau yat tin ji nei gung ngoh
I’m not afraid if someday there’s only you and me

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