Sunday 4 July 2010

The Solianos Project - Meaning Of Tudung Periuk

Something completely different. Leslie from popopmusic asked me the meaning of the song Tudung Periuk. I will venture a guess. I am intimately involved in the production of The Solianos' album Pusaka which is close to my heart. Stumbled in life and somehow end up as an "executive producer" of the album. The Solianos have been singing for over 30 years and this is their first album, unbelievable. Les and I thought they must do an album of Malay songs, not English (even when that is their main repertoire) because their musicality and 5 part harmonies have never been imparted so brilliantly into Malay songs.

The album is going to be great, I think, because:

1. the arrangement by salvador guerzo
2. tricia's (lead vocal) honey-toasted and sultry voice
3. the choice of songs and how great each song is sung and arranged
4. the fabulous recording (world-class audiophile standards)
5,and most importantly, the superb musicality of the music! (almost everyone agreed on this)

Les played some of the unfinished songs at a listening party, these were some of their immediate responses...

"wow! malaysia can produce a record like this??"

"i would buy this album even with just one good song but all your songs are so great!"

"ador's arrangement is definitely world-class!"

"the recording (from the ark studio) is the best of all your 4 albums; again, world-class!"

"this female lead vocalist is amazing!"
This is the original selected songlist. Too bad, my favourite Sheila Majid's song Gerimis Semalam was taken out as The Solianos said they could not really add to the song, and that room for harmonies and improvisations were limited. But instead we have replaced it with Freedom's Mulanya Di Sini.

I will try to get the finished track of Tudung Periuk for all to listen soon. Its magical.


Three cheers for pop pop music!

Solianos' "Tudung Periuk" - a yet-unreleased single from the forth-coming album "Pusaka" - has been selected by the panel to be included in another compilation album issued by one big Hi-Fi dealer in Taiwan for the upcoming TAA Hi-Fi show. The panel loves the melody and harmony of the song! See, we told you, we told you this is a great song! ;-)

But they have one tough question for us: what is the song about?

We don't know either! Here's the lyrics of the song.....

Tudung periuk

Lid of the pot

Tudung periuk, pandai menari

Lid of the pot dances well

Menarilah lagu, putera mahkota

Dance of the son of the crown prince

Kain yang buruk

The rag

Kain yang buruk berikan kami

The rag give it to us

Buat menyapu

To wipe

Buat menyapu si air mata

To wipe the tears

Any volunteers to decipher the hidden meaning behind the song? You must be old enough to know this song, to start with!

In any case, you guys should be proud that a Malay song has unprecedentedly made it into Taiwan!




The original lyrics was not "anak Putera Mahkota" but rather "anak Raja Melaka", when we were still on good terms I guess.

Tudung periuk tudung periuk pandailah menari
Permainan anak permainan anak Raja Malaka
Kain yang buruk kain yang buruk berikan kami
Untuk menyapu untuk menyapu si air mata
Kain yang buruk kain yang buruk berikan kami
Untuk menyapu untuk menyapu si air mata

Tudung periuk tudung periuk pandailah berdendang
Pandai berdendang pandai berdendang lagu seberang
Barang yang buruk barang yang buruk tak 'kan dipandang
Dijual tidak dijual tidak dibeli orang
Barang yang buruk barang yang buruk tak 'kan dipandang
Dijual tidak dijual tidak dibeli orang

We know it as the song sung in P Ramlee's SUMPAH SEMERAH PADI together with Saloma. There is a meaning to the song even though most would shrug their shoulders. Its a song sung to the kids and how they need to grow up being responsible, being willingness to take up responsibility. Tudung periuk means family leadership, the shield of the family I guess. Pandai menari means being clever and resourceful. Mainan putera mahkota does not mean toys but rather the demands of daily life. Anak raja melaka or putera mahkota does not mean royalty but rather the young ones, the new generation.

Kain yang buruk di berikan kami, in its original form its ditinggalkan kami (more poignant), is the need to be wary, the need to be protective of their heritage or family name and not to bring shame or tears to the family. Menyapu air mata, the cloth we gave you to wipe your tears is to make sure that you eat your bitterness, rally through life's difficulties and be strong.

Its an educational song/lullaby sung by probably the grandmas/mums to their grandkids/children.

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