Wednesday 23 April 2014

House of Cards, Its All Kevin Spacey

Following Breaking Bad, it was hard to try to watch anything that would generate the same amount of satisfaction. I tried Mad Men but it was a bit slow, and I always thought creative types at advertising were over-hyped anyway. But I found something almost as good, well nothing can be as good as Breaking Bad, but this one has guile. Its House of Cards (based loosely on the British series back in the 90s and on a memoir by Margaret Thatcher's right hand man) and Kevin Spacey's turn was riveting as he was as Kayser Soza in the mind blowing The Usual Suspects. We can get up to Season 2 and cannot wait till Season 3. Why is it so good ... Frank Underwood the character is so conniving, corrosive, the devil probably has to applaud. The relationship F.U. (pun intended) has with his wife (played brilliantly by Robin Wright) needs redefining, ... its pragmatic, symbiotic, evil and romantic.

While on Kevin Spacey, not many realise just how multi talented he is. Besides being a great actor, he could very well survive just doing stand up and impressions. His impersonations of fellow actors are near impeccable.

While we are at it, I watched the wonderful tribute to John Lennon many moons ago and Spacey was the host. I know he can sing as he did very well playing Bobby Darin in a movie. There were so many great artistes giving great renditions of Lennon's songs. At the very end, Spacey came out, and the audience not expecting anything, went agog at his remarkable rendition of Mind Games.

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