Wednesday 16 April 2014

The Nation Owes You, Mr. Karpal Singh

He need not have any of those honorific titles in front of his name but his name garners more respect from most Malaysians. Easily Malaysia's best criminal and constitutional lawyer. His motivations in life, a stout defender of human rights and an unwavering advocate for justice.

We Malaysians, sometimes pooh-pooh or are a bit blase over activists/opposition politicians and the roles they play. We are guilty of basking in the light of of their sacrifice and hard work, without so much as thanking them or being grateful. 

Warriors and defenders of our justice system make it "harder" for injustice to prevail, they may not succeed all the time, but we need them to be there so that we have hope for a better present and certainly a brighter tomorrow for our younger Malaysians.

When we sit in the shade ... we must acknowledge and thank the person holding up the umbrella for us tirelessly.


RIP Cornelius Selvam Vellu (Michael) , loyal and devoted personal aide to YB Karpal Singh.


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